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Fall 2013
Oct 24,2024
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Information Select the Course Number to get further detail on the course. Select the desired Schedule Type to find available classes for the course.

Limited opportunities to enroll for course work on an Independent Study basis are available. A student interested in this option should obtain an Independent Study Registration Form from the Registrar, have it completed by the instructor and school dean involved, and return it to the Registrar's Office. Consult the current Schedule of Classes for policies concerning Independent Study.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Independent Study

Art Department

An introduction to the conceptual and perceptual bases of drawing. The course will be directed toward solving formal two-dimensional problems (line, tone, organization, space, shape, light, rhythm movement, and volume) through traditional and contemporary drawing techniques. Lab Fee.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Studio

Art Department

An introduction to fundamental elements of two-dimensional design. Problem-solving and graphic presentation will be stressed. No prior experience in the visual arts is necessary. Supplies will cost approximately $50.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Studio

Art Department

This course designation describes a transfer course from another institution where an equivalency to a Ramapo College course has not been determined. Upon convener evaluation, this course ID may be changed to an equivalent of a Ramapo College course or may fulfill a requirement.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture

Art Department

This course designation is used to describe a transfer course from another institution which has been evaluated by the convener. A course with this course number has no equivalent Ramapo course. It may fulfill a requirement or may count as a free elective.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture

Art Department

Limited opportunities to enroll for course work on an Independent Study basis are available. A student interested in this option should obtain an Independent Study Registration Form from the Registrar, have it completed by the instructor and school dean involved, and return it to the Registrar's Office. Consult the current Schedule of Classes for policies concerning Independent Study.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Independent Study

Art Department

An introduction to the technical and conceptual problems, skills, and uses of the painting medium. In-class technical projects develop the student's understanding and use of color, painting techniques, and processes. Student painting projects utilize these skills in creating complex thematic visual statements. A wide-range of painting skills, styles, and subject matter is explored.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture, Studio

Art Department

An introduction to both historical and contemporary sculptural techniques. Casting, carving, modeling, and constructivist fabrication will be stressed in the context of the development of individual imagery. Students will also be introduced to the basis of sculpture through readings, lectures, and formal three-dimensional problem-solving. Lab Fee.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture, Studio

Art Department

The aim of this course is to familiarize commercial and fine arts students with the theory and practice of design. Weekly presentations will introduce design concepts still in use from such schools as Art Deco, the Bauhaus, and Russian Constructivism. Students will learn to analyze the products, advertising, and graphic design they encounter every day as they work individually and in small design teams on regular assignments that include typographic layout, creating a music CD jacket, and the packaging of a new product. At least one assignment will require students to design and execute their project using a computer.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Studio

Art Department

Multifaceted examples of design in three dimensions are studied to offer students exposure to the breadth of possibilities for visual arts expression. Aesthetics, focus and message content are explored as students prepare their own projects using a variety of interesting materials.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate

Art Department

A study of black-and-white photography which combines practice with analysis of photographs. Students will learn to develop and print black-and-white photographs in response to a series of photographic assignments. Written as well as photographic work will be produced. The College will provide a darkroom and required chemicals. Students will be required to have a manually operated 35mm camera and provide film and paper at a cost of approximately $10-$15 per week. Lab Fee.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Studio

Art Department

Course Attributes:

An introduction to color photography and basic editing techniques using Adobe Photoshop. Students will explore the history of color in photography and the artistic concerns of making a color photograph. The computer lab will be our darkroom and students will learn how to input and prepare their photographs for printing, digital projection and the web. Students will be required to have several 650mb CD-R discs or a USB thumb drive (at least 128MB), inkjet paper. Students will also need either a film or digital camera (minimum 3 megapixels).
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Studio

Art Department

Color Theory seeks to provide students with an understanding of color phenomenon, its role in our environments, and historical color systems. With experiment and observation, one will develop an experiential understanding of color. Using paint, paper, light, and computers students will engage the role of color in various media. Students will be asked to consider how color shapes their lives and perceptions. Within a journal format, students will develop a running documentary of their interactions with colors. Where do they notice it? Why? To study historical color systems, we will closely analyze artworks as well as primary and secondary material.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture

Art Department

Students will become proficient in Cinema 4-D and will experiment with developing 3-D objects, environments, and animations. Students will be given an overview of modeling techniques including (but not limited to) texturing, lighting, and rendering 3-D models and scenes. We will use these processes to explore art-making, and philosophies of 2-D and 3-D visualization.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Studio

Art Department

In this course, students learn to draw from the nude. Students will use a variety of materials including charcoal, conte crayon and pastel. The course covers artistic anatomy with emphasis on rendering the human figure with sensitivity and perception. Studies in gesture, composition, abstracting the figure, and drapery are also included in course content. Modeling Fee $50.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture, Studio

Art Department

This is a required foundation course for all visual art majors that provides historical, theoretical, and practical information concerning technological tools that can abe used to manipulate images. Through screenings, discussions, readings, and experience, students will learn how to experiment with formats, platforms, and programs. The classroom assignments are designed to demonstrate various ways that artists are using new media tools in expressive ways. Students will learn historical examples of art and technology experiments, as well as basic use of Macintosh computer based software, including Photoshop. In addition to the studio-centered work, students will research and write an essay about the work of a New Media artist. Lab Fee: $50
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Studio

Art Department

Video is increasingly computer-based. It is being recorded on digital tape, processed and edited on non-linear post-production systems using software and peripherals to create quicktime films and video art. In this course, students will learn computer imaging software including Fusion, Premiere, and After Effects to create short art projects based on formal structure of the medium. Students will be introduced to the historical, philosophical, and technical contexts for new technological art forms. Students will read a range of material including articles about art, artists, technology, and philosophy. They will see and discuss examples of videotapes and CD-ROMs by leading digital artists. Students will write several essays and maintain a production notebook. In addition to assigned exercises, students will propose and create a final project using digital imaging instruments. Knowledge of basic video and computer operation is recommended, but not required. Lab Fee.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lab

Art Department

The student will learn about the physical properties of clay when you construct vessels and sculptural forms. Numerous fabrication methods will be implemented including coil, hard and soft slab construction and use of the potter's wheel. You will complete the process with glazing, kiln loading and firing. Students will learn some of the history and theory of ceramics through readings, lecturers, and class discussions. Lab fee.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Studio

Art Department

This is a fieldwork course for art, social work, psychology, law and society students or students of other majors who are interested in helping people in communities that are underserved and who want to learn in an interactive way about the needs of these individuals. The approach uses the combined application of spontaneous art projects and informal social interaction. The art projects and methods are learned in class, where course material includes projects in drawing, painting, sculpture, and crafts. Students select to do their group fieldwork with two selected constituencies, choosing: jail inmates, frail elderly; psychiatric patients; delinquent, disturbed or deprived youth; battered women in shelters; and/or war veterans. Prior art training in not required. Lab Fee.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture, Studio

Art Department

Course Attributes:

(Study Abroad course) An intensive fieldwork course centered on the art and culture of southern Italy based in the ancient city of Matera. The course includes lectures, research, site explorations, and writing about remnants of Greek ruins. Byzantine, Romanesque, and Baroque art and architecture of nearby cities, and the extraordinary cave dwellings and subterranean churches of the Sassi, considered the oldest inhabited city in the world.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture

Art Department

Course Attributes:
MJ-INTL-Intl Comparative 'West

The descriptions and topics of this course change from semester-to-semester, as well as from instructor-to-instructor. Prerequisite: varies with the topic offered. ARTS 290: This 2D animation course focuses on experimental storytelling covering personal narratives and societal observations. Expression and directorial voice are emphasized. Multiple techniques are covered starting with a light board and paper and progressing software for animation, editing, and compositing.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture

Art Department

This course designation describes a transfer course from another institution where an equivalency to a Ramapo College course has not been determined. Upon convener evaluation, this course ID may be changed to an equivalent of a Ramapo College course or may fulfill a requirement.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture

Art Department

This course designation is used to describe a transfer course from another institution which has been evaluated by the convener. A course with this course number has no equivalent Ramapo course. It may fulfill a requirement or may count as a free elective.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture

Art Department

Limited opportunities to enroll for course work on an Independent Study basis are available. A Student interested in this option should obtain an Independent Study Registration Form from the Registrar, have it completed by the instructor and school dean involved, and return it to the Registrar's Office. Consult the current Schedule of Classes for policies concerning Independent Study.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Independent Study

Art Department

An intermediate level course in drawing and/or painting. Student development of relevant technical skills is undertaken. Narrative and conceptual uses of the visual image is emphasized with concentration on the development of an individual subject matter and stylistic identity. Lab Fee.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture

Art Department

This course will continue to develop the explorations begun in fundamentals of drawing, but on a more sophisticated level. There will be more emphasis on narrative and content in drawing. Contemporary drawing issues will be developed both through reading short articles and doing drawing problems in relationship to them. Some formal problems will be given generally utilizing more than one formal property at a time (i.e., line, light, color). Drawings will be developed in a range of media as well as both black-and-white and color.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture, Studio

Art Department

This course is a second-level studio class involving technical experimentation as well as a series of thematically unified final project work in various media related to painting. This is not an introductory level studio course; it is necessary that all students have some prior experience in painting. The actual course requirements regarding the specific number, subject matter, and technical focus of the final project portfolio will be determined by the instructor and the student in individual consultation. Lab Fee.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Studio

Art Department

Through active participation in visual arts projects in drawing, painting, sculpture and selected crafts; and through readings, demonstrations, discussions and slide presentations, art education majors will enrich future curricular content in teaching, be guided to teach art as a dynamic aspect of life in the elementary, middle and high school grades, and gain insight into their own creative and aesthetic capabilities.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture, Studio

Art Department

Students will begin an in-depth exploration of personal imagery in the context of contemporary sculptural techniques. The student will work in bronze casting, plastics, carving, and welding. Contemporary and historical sculptural issues will be discussed. There will be readings from various art magazines. Lab Fee.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Studio

Art Department

An intermediate level course in sculpture. The emphasis will be on bronze casting and welding (steel fabrication) in the context of disciplined self-expression. Students will be encouraged, through various projects, to start to acquire and explore personal approaches to more generalized sculptural issues.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Studio

Art Department

This course is for upper-level Visual Arts majors working in any medium. Content, developing from student/faculty dialogue, may include group or independent work, resulting in exhibition. A major goal will be to develop a work process and content wherein students can better understand and extend their work. Field trips will be included.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Seminar

Art Department

Through combined exercises in drawing and sculpting from a live model, students will further an understanding of the anatomy of the human figure and learn to render the figure with sensitivity and originality. Students will build a portfolio of drawings and complete a small scale seated figure and a portrait in clay. Individual instruction and critique will occur throughout the course as will periodic demonstrations. Drawing from life will occupy the first third of class time. Figure studies in clay and the portrait in clay will occupy the second and third sections of the semester. Students will create two figure sculptures in materials other than clay, in wire and in mixed media.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Studio

Art Department

This course is "bridge" course between the introductory level film based photography courses and the more "advanced" portfolio photography courses (Prof. Format, Portraiture, Advanced Photograhy). This course is designed to further develop and extend many of the ideas and techniques of photography that were covered in the 200 level Black and White Photography course. (While this is a film based class we will incorporate digital photo technologies such as scanning and printing as relevant.) This class will address more complex, technically sophisticated photographic processes as well as thematic/conceptually based subject matter assignments. All major class projects are conducted over a 2-3 week period to insure student/faculty consultation, technical problem-solving and appropriate student work presentation.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Studio

Art Department

A study of the use of multiple images to create meaning not possible with single images. Through such means as projected images, xerography, and books, students will explore the potential of images in sequence. This is an advanced level art course designed primarily for upper level majors.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Studio

Art Department

Even in this age of near universal digital photography applications (cell phones, credit card size digital cameras, digital SLR cameras, etc.) the highest quality photographs used in commercial and fine arts applications (publications, books, gallery and museum exhibitions, etc) are usually "made" with medium and large format film photography. Usually such professional quality equipment is beyond the means of most student photographers, however, due to generous equipment donations as well as a 20-year "investment" in professional quality equipment, we are able to LEND all students enrolled in this course, professional format photographic equipment for the duration of the term. This course will introduce the student to the "traditional" professional photographic formats, 120 medium format roll film and 4x5" large format sheet film, as well as professional level DSLR for medium format digital backs. This is an advanced photography course which assumes that all students will have basic competence in black and white film photography with demonstrated experience in negative film developing and black and white printing. As noted, we will lend each student equipment kits for the term, EACH STUDENT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CARE AND SECURITY OF THESE PROFESSIONAL CAMERA KITS, which, with reasonable care, will enable each student to produce b/w and color photographs of publication/exhibition quality, unattainable with traditional 35mm film/digital equipment.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Studio

Art Department

This is a core course for all visual art majors in the Art and Technology concentration that provides advanced historical, theoretical, and practical information concerning ways that technological tools are used to manipulate images. Through screenings, discussions, readings, and experience, students will learn how to experiment with formats, platforms, and programs. The classroom assignments are designed to demonstrate various ways that artists are using technological tools in expressive ways including cell phones, remote sensors, iPod and PDAs, as well as computers, video, and digital cameras. Students will learn historical examples of art and technology experiments, as well as basic use of Macintosh computer based software, including Final Cut Pro, Motion, Cinema 4d, and other software. In addition to the studio-centered work, students will research and write an essay about the work of an artist using technology.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Studio

Art Department

This course is designed to serve as a breeding ground for advanced digital photography problem-solving. We will capitalize on the skills obtained in Basic Digital Photography as a springboard for a more detailed investigation into the complete digital workflow of a photograph from its conceptualization to the final presentation of an image within a contemporary art context. Students will use Adobe Photoshop CS3, Epson high-resolution scanners and printers, as well as other specialized proprietary software from Canon and Gretag Macbeth to explore holistic color management, negative scanning, mural printing, custom ICC profiles, and the implications of specific media on effective presentation. In addition to a high level of technical competence, students will be required to participate in rigorous discussions about large issues currently winding through photography concerning the expanding role that digital photography occupies within contemporary art. I stress the idea of conceptual/contemporary art because of the extraordinarily large amount of photographic genres and approaches. This class is only interested in encouraging the production of images that have a strong conceptual backbone and are committed to existing in a fine art ideological context. Immersing students in an arena where they are confronted with both complex ideas and detailed technical challenges are the objectives of this course. Lab Fee: $50.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Studio

Art Department

This is a studio art course in which students will learn intermediate skills with various kinds of new digital art technology that can be integrated with film, single channel video, installation, projection, and internet projects. We will see new work being created with state of the art tools while considering the philosophical and political contexts for styles, genres, and themes in contemporary practice. There will be demonstrations of several 2d, 3d, and motion image processing programs, digital cameras, and a variety of projection and multi-monitor configurations. Students will be encouraged to develop a personal project that will evolve through the semester resulting in a completed work demonstrating new skills and conceptual insights. Since this is a 300-level course, fulfilling intentions concerning craft will be especially important criteria for evaluation. This work will be exhibited toward the end of the semester in public places on campus. By also reading key texts; watching films and videos; and learning advanced production skills, students will combine experiential processing and critical analysis required to better understand and realize projects in ways that relate to contemporary practice.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Studio

Art Department

This course is a continuation of Computer Art. Already familiar with Photoshop, students will explore a variety of other applications which may be used to create art with the computer. We will focus especially on multi-media applications and the World Wide Web. A variety of readings and papers will explore the emerging cultures and implications of digital art and communication. Lab Fee.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lab

Art Department

Physical Computing covers both a technical introduction to basic electronics, analog circuit design, and micro controllers as well as design concepts and philosophies for building kinetic and interactive objects. Experimental objects as art can be considered as an evolutionary development stemming from narrative written, oral and gestural traditions. Creators of time based sculpture and other such media don't just look at information, they interact with it in novel ways that have no precedents in traditional sculpture and design. The core of the course will be both the development of a personal sensibility for the aesthetics of experimental media, and the development of both craft and content. Students will explore the evolution of physical computing and the role of retro-engineered objects in contemporary culture.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture, Studio

Art Department

This class teaches students the practical and creative aspects of documentary photography. Students will learn to develop a photo essay within the framework of a documentary project. Assignments will guide students through some areas of exploration, and by mid-semester they will identify their own area of investigation, which will lead towards a self-chosen final project. Students will learn and examine the historical and contemporary critical issues of documentary photography. Lab Fee.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Studio

Art Department

3-D Computing is focused on the creation of advanced concepts and more complicated polygon structures layered textures and advanced animation techniques, including character riggings. This class will build on fundamental 3-D theories and principles of computer modeling and animation. 3-D modeling and animation is often associated with animated feature films, but is also used heavily in fine art by artists such as Paul Lin and John Klima. 3-D modeling has many applications in staging, installation, and the pre-fabrication of sculpture on a variety of scales including rapid prototyping, architecture, and mold-making. Class will include screenings, demos, readings, discussions and critiques of student work. Technical demos will be given for mastering more complicated aspects of Cinema 4-D software, including the creation of a rigged model. Students will practice animating objects and then characters. Readings and discussions will focus on art-making, and philosophies of 2-D and 3-D visualization. Students will learn how to use 3-D software, but more importantly, students will learn about the concepts of 3-D modeling and animation and about creating time-based art.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Studio

Art Department

In this course students will study the history, theory, and practice of installation art, a category of art-making that identifies work that combines various media in a sculptural environment. The following concepts as they relate to installation art will be discussed and incorporated into our working process: Intimate space, Eulogized space, Escape, Exchange and Interaction; Time and Narrative. Students will study this postmodern art form through multimedia and slide presentations, online sources, lectures, discussion, video and visits to exhibitions and artist's studios in the first half of the course. In the second half, students will develop their own installation theme and fabricate necessary sculptural objects, sound tracts or video elements that are necessary for their installation. Working knowledge of several media and commitment to interdisciplinary practice are required for students participating in this course.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Studio

Art Department

This class will cover the fundamentals of portraiture, both on location and in the studio. Students will explore through assignments different approaches to portraiture: Self-portrait, environmental portrait, candid and constructed portrait, and friends or family. Demonstrations and discussions explain various elements of portraiture, such as gesture, expression, pose, props, environment, and lighting. Slide lectures and discussions review the history of portraiture from its beginnings to its contemporary practice. Lab Fee.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Studio

Art Department

This course will explore both practical and theoretical aspects of museum and gallery work. We will read about and discuss the nature and evolution of museums, galleries, and non-profit contemporary spaces as well as their role in our culture. We will also be involved with planning exhibitions on campus and take a number of field trips to museums, studios, and contemporary art spaces. Scheduled "lab" times are used for on-site visits to museums, galleries, and other venues; the lab time will be used only 6-7 times per semester, and exact dates will be announced on the syllabus. Transportation will be provided. Lab Fee. Permission of Instructor.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Seminar

Art Department

This course will begin with an historical and contemporary study of the limited edition 'works on paper/mixed media' artist produced book 'object'. Students will then design, experiment and produce a series of book 'form' art objects using a variety of materials, medias, printing processes, etc. This workflow will be designed around in-class lectures, mixed media workshops and extensive in-class discussions and evaluations of work produced. The definition of an artist's book is purposely broad, from the medieval hand-painted illuminated manuscripts to contemporary artist's publications using inexpensive commercial and internet publishing sources. An essential aspect of the learning exprience will be instructor led location trips to three of the most important venues for this internationally popular artform: Printed Matter bookstore, 10th Ave., NYC; the Morgan Library, Madison/37th St., NYC; and the annual Art Book Fair, held each Fall and sponsored by MOMA/PS1 in Long Island City, NY. Lab Fee.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Studio

Art Department

A study of art productions as an aid in understanding human experience. The course examines the projective window that expressive art affords into personality and behavior, and the value of art in enhancing quality of life. Through analysis of original artwork from Dr. Peck's collection, and using slides and reproductions, a spectrum of art productions is examined; examples include children's art in normal developmental stages; the art of psychiatric patients, incarcerated inmates, youth who have been physically and/or sexually abused, Holocaust victims, and families in upheaval. The course includes readings and hands-on projects to provide for increased understanding of individual and family problems.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture

Art Department

Course Attributes:

(Study Abroad course) Using materials found in and near the ancient city of Matera, such as tufa (the local limestone) and papier mache, students will study the history and techniques that went into the construction of the Sassi and Park of the Murgia which were carved out of a rocky ravine. Using a combination of old and contemporary tools and techniques, students will learn skills in a variety of media while having the opportunity to make new work inspired by the striking architecture of the region.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture

Art Department

The description and topics of this course change from semester-to-semester, as well as from instructor-to-instructor. Prerequisites: varies with the topic offered. ARTS 390 Red is the boldest of all colors. It stands for charity and martyrdom, hell, love, youth, fervor, boasting, sin, and atonement. It is the most popular color. In this special course we will study the color red and make art work with computers, video, photography, painting, drawing, and other media referring both to its inherent formal qualities as well as its many associations and references. ARTS 390 This is a visual arts studio course where upper level students will create projects that can utilize a variety of mediums (sculpture, painting, drawing, film, photographer, and digital/computer medias). The main focus of the course will be creating visual metaphors for identity and culture. The course will involve projects in each category that can be approached from a variety of points of view: the individual, gender, family, history and culture. Lab Fee.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture

Art Department

This course designation describes a transfer course from another institution where an equivalency to a Ramapo College course has not been determined. Upon convener evaluation, this course ID may be changed to an equivalent of a Ramapo College course or may fulfill a requirement.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture

Art Department

This course designation is used to describe a transfer course from another institution which has been evaluated by the convener. A course with this course number has no equivalent Ramapo course. It may fulfill a requirement or may count as a free elective.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture

Art Department

Limited opportunities to enroll for course work on an Independent Study basis are available. A student interested in this option should obtain an Independent Study Registration Form from the Registrar, have it completed by the instructor and the school dean involved, and return it to the Registrar's Office. Consult the current Schedule of Classes for policies concerning Independent Study.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Independent Study

Art Department

This course will explore a variety of contemporary sculptural techniques (welding, casting, plastics, fabrication, and carving) through common readings and projects. Students will be expected to create an "in series project" based on their experience of contemporary sculptural issues. The student and instructor will make a contract based upon the student's project proposal made at the beginning of the semester. From this proposal, the student will be expected to create works which are coherent within themselves and a tradition, as well as coherent within a series. Critiques will be structured around the terms of the contract. Lab Fee.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture, Studio

Art Department

As with other photography courses, Advanced Photography will be structured around a series of projects, the difference being the extended time allotted each project and the amount of ongoing feedback. Because thinking and talking about photographs is a key component of the work of a photographer, more responsibility for feedback will fall on the student. The context of the course is contemporary photographic art practice and the history of photography. Familiarity with these is expected. There will be a number of readings and short papers will accompany projects. It is assumed that anyone walking into a class titled Advanced Photography has a serious, ongoing relationship with the medium and a strong creative drive. We will try to shape this energy and ability into one or more focused bodies of work. Class projects are one thing; discovering what is important enough to you in your own work to sustain independent work past graduation is another. This personal element in your photography, however, is only a part of your world of art. The other component is your photographic environment and its effect on you. One is more or less conscious of the personal influence of images in art and media, but these affect every picture you make. So, the second goal of this course is to become more aware of where your work fits in all of it. Bottom line is that the real work starts when the class ends.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Studio

Art Department

In this course, students will develop a cohesive body of work using drawing and painting. This course is designed to prepare students for the capstone Senior Thesis Exhibition. Individual stylistic concerns, subject matter and thematic interests guide development. Students will present work in a professional manner as required for admission to graduate study, internship, employment, etc. Advanced Drawing and Painting is the highest level course offered in the Drawing and Painting concentration.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture, Studio

Art Department

This class is the capstone course in the Visual Arts. The student will have completed their concentration before taking this class. The class will be directed toward producing art on a level that is appropriate for showing in the professional setting of the Ramapo Colleg Art Galleries. This project (drawing, painting, sculpture, photography, or art and technology) will be mutually developed between the instructor and the student. The project will reflect the "individual voice" that the student has been developing in their other upper level classes in their concentration. The student will be required to write an artist's statement that reflects an understanding of the position the students work occupies in the contemporary art historical context. A catalogue and poster will be produced that will be avilable at the opening of the show.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Studio

Art Department

This is a course for serious art students who have taken at least four or five courses in the visual arts. The course is the precursor to Advanced Visual Arts, the capstone course in the major. The student in this course should be motivated and have an ability to work independently. Students from all disciplines in the visual arts are encouraged to take this class. The course will revolve around a series of problems that will relate to current issues in the field. The problems are set up to help you become more conversant with and attentive to these ideas. Your challenge will be to personalize solutions to these by mining your individual histories. The solutions to these problems will be expected to be able to be solved in a number of different mediums or combinations of mediums. Prerequisites: four courses in the visual arts.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Studio

Art Department

Advanced photography and digital media students will use the latest series of Epson archival ink jet printers to produce an exhibition quality portfolio from their negatives, transparencies and/or digital computer art files. Comparative studies between traditional fiber based printing and ink jet printing will be conducted. Students will conceive, plan, proof and output a series of ink jet prints with special emphasis on integration of color calibration, color management, and custom profiling. Students will research current practices in exhibition/portfolio digital printing. Students must be Photoshop proficient.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Studio

Art Department

Students will plan and produce a semester long documentary project in photography, video or digital media. Class will study the history of socio-political narratives in fine and media arts from the 19th century. Relevant technical workshops will be scheduled. Students will also produce an audio-visual lecture on an appropriate documentary photographer/filmmaker/artist relevant to their individual project. Students are expected to be proficient in the media their project will be utilizing. Screenings, museum and gallery visits, weekly critical readings will be assigned.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Studio

Art Department

This is a studio course for serious art students who have taken at least four or five courses in the visual arts, of which at least two must be upper level studio courses. This course is a precursor to Advanced Visual Art, the capstone course in the Visual Arts major. This course will involve problems in contemporary art, which are centered on "identity" and "culture". They will be able to be solved in a variety of, or combinations of, mediums. Students in the class will be expected to have concentrations in Drawing and Painting, Sculpture, Art and Technology or Photography. Your challenge will be to solve the problems presented by mining your individual histories in the context of your concentrations. The course will emphasize an intuitive visual response (the creation of visual metaphors) for your ideas. Identity and culture comprise some of the most prevalent issues in contemporary art. These issues have produced some of the strongest work of the late 20th early 21st century. We will look at, through slide lectures and selected readings a number of artists such as Cindy Sherman, Carole Lee Schneeman, Orlan, Judy Chicago, Christian Boltanski, Chris Ofili and Robert Mapplethope, among many others.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Studio

Art Department

DIY, Democracy and Dissent focuses on the history of artist response and role in political and social movements in the 20th and 21st centuries. We will look at understanding artistic and social movements from relational aesthetics to relational society as well as the tools used by graffiti and street artists, inventors, and activists to participate in the marketplace of ideas as well as our general economy. Public response to guerilla activism will be explored through the lenses of geography, demographics, history and culture and the outcomes will be analyzed.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture

Art Department

The descriptions and topics of this course change from semester-to-semester, as well as from instructor-to-instructor. Prerequisites: varies with the topic offered. ARTS 490 COLLAGE AND ASSEMBLAGE. This is a class in collage, assemblage, and appropriation. There will be weekly projects due in these areas. Approximately two-thirds of the projects will be in collage and a little less than one-third will be in assemblage. Appropriation will be worked into both of these areas with one project specifically devoted to it. All projects in all areas will involve explorations in a variety of mediums even though the projects in collage will be dominated by paper. There will be weekly critiques of your projects. It is expected that all the students in the class have had at least one upper level class in their concentrations.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture

Art Department

This course designation describes a transfer course from another institution where an equivalency to a Ramapo College course has not been determined. Upon convener evaluation, this course ID may be changed to an equivalent of a Ramapo College course or may fulfill a requirement.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture

Art Department

This course designation is used to describe a transfer course from another institution which has been evaluated by the convener. A course with this course number has no equivalent Ramapo course. It may fulfill a requirement or may count as a free elective.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture

Art Department

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