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Detailed Course Information


Fall 2018
Feb 14,2025
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Information Select the desired Level or Schedule Type to find available classes for the course.

This course will provide an introduction to the geological sciences, including an historical background. The course begins with the underlying geologic principles and the exploration of Plate Tectonics, which will be used as a framework for the rest of the course. Subsequent topics include: the formation of the major rock-forming minerals, and common igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks; the major geophysical processes and the formation of resultant features (volcanoes, earthquakes, mountain belts, ocean basins, and structural geologic features); and the physical and biological history of the planet. GEOL 101 can be used to fulfill requirements for Environmental Studies majors and the General Education keystone scientific reasoning requirement for non-science majors. If you are an Environmental Science or Integrated Science Studies major, or Earth Science or Environmental Science minor, you must take GEOL 105 Fundamentals of Geology (lec/lab) instead; GEOL l05 is offered every Spring.
0.000 TO 4.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Hybrid, Lecture, Lecture/Online, Online Course

Environmental Science Department

Course Attributes:
Gen Ed 2018, Gen Ed 18-Scientific Reasoning, OLD GE-SCIENCE W EXPERIENTIAL

Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels:     

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